Here’s a way we can create Green Jobs to Protect Lands and Wildlife and put thousands of Americans to work!
America could put nearly 60,000 people to work within 90-180 days by funding important conservation projects on public lands --projects like restoring wetlands, combating harmful invasive species, repairing damaged watersheds, making facilities and buildings more energy efficient, and installing alternative energy systems.
These projects would have tangible benefits for imperiled wildlife and could keep local construction, electrical, landscape and other companies working throughout 2009. They would also provide the next generation of workers with the skills they need to lead a green revolution in our economy. Many of these projects also would help lands and wildlife adapt to climate change and reduce global warming pollution through energy efficiency.
Encourage President-Elect Obama and your U.S. Representative and Senators to support Green Jobs to Protect Lands and Wildlife. Take action online now at:
http://action.defenders.org/wildlifejobs Over the last few years, our national wildlife refuges, forests, monuments and other public lands across America have fallen into disrepair as a result of chronic underfunding and neglect.
These public lands provide jobs, economic benefits to local economies and vital habitat for endangered wildlife. For example, our national wildlife refuges are economic engines for local communities, attracting 40 million visitors annually who spend more than $1.7 billion each year, resulting in employment for more than 27,000 Americans.
Unfortunately, many of these places have been effectively shuttered as essential construction, maintenance and upkeep projects were left unfunded and vital wildlife conservation staff positions were left vacant.
Transportation projects can also provide great benefits to wildlife and local economies. Done properly, they can create jobs and reconnect wildlife habitat across highways to allow safe passage and help animals migrate in response to climate change and other pressures.
For example, building wildlife crossings like those proposed in Washington State's Snoqualmie Pass will help species like wolves, grizzly, cougar, elk and bobcat move safely through their habitat without endangering their lives -- and those of motorists -- by crossing the highway.
The upcoming debate over an economic stimulus package offers a golden opportunity for lawmakers like you to put Americans to work to protect our nation’s amazing wildlife and wild places for future generations. I sincerely hope that you will encourage your elected officials to seize this opportunity and support significant funding in the stimulus package to create Green Jobs to Protect Lands and Wildlife.
Thanks for helping!