Well as if my day didn't start out stressful enough. I got a call from my Dad saying I need to send my crew to the house my is having apendicidous. So I get my crew rolling code that way and haul major ass myself to my res. Let's just say I put my car through the Shepard pd test course today, and she did very well thank god. Well I'm glad my mom called my dad when she did because If she would have waited another hour or two her apendix would have probably burst. Which would have been extreamly bad. She under went surgery and she is doing Alot better. They said her appendix was gangious (spl?) which from what I was told mean toast aka dead. And to make matters worse I get home start to change clothes and my dog acts. Like there's someone outside so I go to check and he takes off out the door and I had to go chase his ass.
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