Nov 29, 2008 09:11
Well, I am still alive, contrary to popular belief. Life had exploded this week, but we're getting back on track. Lots of updates to tell, but no time as I must leave for work soon. More later, I promise!
Debbie made me manager at the costume shop, and I'm looking for some overnight security work to suppliment. We are still at the same apartment, and finally have some roommates that aren't so bad and drama filled. *counts blessings*
N and I are still happily together. We bought a motorcycle recently, because my car died and the bike gets better gas mileage.
Xmas party, our house, Sunday December 21st. There's an evite, so if you haven't received it yet and would like to come, give me your email address so I can send you the evite. :)
Gotta jam!
xmas party