
May 22, 2007 16:09

Zombie Alert: They're coming!

Zombie Wrangler
May 21

Friends, It is time to ring the alarms! Zombies are coming! Email
everyone you know so they can stay out of harm's way!

As the date draws near it becomes undeniably clear that a zombie hoard
will reach downtown San Francisco on Friday, May 25th around 6pm. This
is unfortunately at the same time as the Critical Mass bike ride. They
must be notified of the impending danger, for the love of all that is holy!

By Wednesday I will be able to publish detailed information about the
route the undead will likely take, projected from topographic and
demographic information of the area. It seems that high traffic shopping
districts are most attractive to these soulless ghouls.

You (and your loved ones who email mob@eatbrains.com) will receive
further details as soon as it is safe to release them.

Do not despair, together we are strong!

-- Zombie Wrangler, Containment Specialist


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