Oct 06, 2006 20:55
Had a really GREAT day at work today. We're already making HUGE progress with Trevor, one of our autistic kids. He was having a really good day and impressed everyone with how far he's come just in the two days I've been working with him. He participated in group play, which was a first in a long time. He completed all his tasks when asked and was actually able to focus on them instead of being walked through them as much. I started playing a couple games with him that has toned down his hand-squeezing into more hand-holding, and poking his nose which he now asks for instead of trying to bite your hand. They keep telling me he really likes me. It rocked.
Then, two minutes before his bus was due to take him home again, he lunged and bit me on the left shoulder. Through two layers of faux leather jacket and a long sleeved shirt. And still managed to break the skin. Owwie. :(
He'd been going through a doorway that had a door blocking the way. He had a hold of my hand 'cause he wanted me to walk with him. And Jason, another aide, was directly behind me. Jason told him he needed to take his backback with him, and that's when he lunged. Best we can figure is he felt suddenly crowded and was upset about being told to come back in to get something he didn't want to carry. We couldn't think of any other triggers that may have set it off. He did look upset when he backed off, which is apparently also progress. He's apparently never looked bothered by his outbursts in the past. Oh well. Poor guy.
I had to go to the doctor and get poked and prodded because it broke the skin even though there was no actual direct contact between his mouth and my skin. They gave me a Hep B booster and drew a bunch of blood for some bloodwork. Whee! Did I mention I hate needles? Yeah, I was SO not having fun. :-/
And I had plans to get down to the DMV for my temp license while they mail my official replacement... Fortunately they managed to get me out of the doctor's office with just enough time to stop through just before they closed. And there was actually parking. And I got through the line and only had to wait like 10 minutes to be seen. I was impressed! Yay for fast trips through DMV! Unfortunately the court hadn't lifted the hold yet cause they hadn't cleared the payment from the other day. So I need to go yell at the court tomorrow if it hasn't posted yet. I know it will have posted at bank level, it was an auto-transaction. But I paid the reinstatement fee, so once they lift the hold all I'll have to do is pick up the temporary. No real waiting. Yay!
Now I just need to get a place to live!
Especially since my aunt is INSANE. She saw someone in my room this weekend and got my mom all worked up. Found out last night why- she had apparently not believed me that someone was NOT, in fact, a BOY, and told my mother that she had seen a penis on my bed. *smacks forehead* The stupidity of some people... Need to get out of here. It'll only get worse from here. You don't want to hear the fights we've been having since then!
Someone hasn't been feeling particularly well this week, but we had fun wandering around the toy store and wound up leaving with lightsabers. *evil laughter* I sense much bashing about the head and shoulders in the near future... ;) Then we hung out and watched Poltergeist, which I had not actually seen previously. (I know, the horrors! We've remedied that.) It was fun, especially when someone screamed like a girl near the end 'cause she forgot getting the girl back wasn't the end of the scary bits. Teehee!
Dinner at King's Head tonight. They finally have apples. (The last three times we'd stopped in, they'd been out, which meant we couldn't have yummy apple goodness. *pout*) Yay! So we had yummy food and yummy cider, and even yummier King's Crown dessert. *happy monkey dance*
Work tomorrow, get to do more training, so won't be working with Trevor till probably after lunch instead of all day. Hopefully he won't associate that with having bit me yesterday, otherwise there's no telling how he'll behave in the morning!
Anyhoo, g'nite LJ-land. XD