Mar 06, 2007 02:17
I sat down and started writing quotes again.... i dont know whats up with me lately.... they dont even reflect the moods im in...they just pop into my head and my fingers start typing away.
Tonight... Good Night for the most Part. interesting conclusion with a phone conversation...but still for the most part good.
Let me know if you Guys like any of these....and again, they are MY original if you want to use them or quote me.....please at least give me credit for the quote and id PREFER asking permission or at least telling me ur using them..... at the least give me credit for my own quote.
"Don't leave someone you still love, They won't give up on you if you don't give up on them." -Mark B
"Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind. It might be the only thing you can do to save or start a friendship." -Mark B
"If someone hurts you with actions or words, don't just sit there, rectify the situation before something stupid hurts or ends a friendship." -Mark B
"Keep Your Heart Close to your Body, Giving it Away to the 1st person who asks for it is asking for a 70mph heartbreak." -Mark B