Nov 03, 2010 16:37
Listen to me liberals
the gop is attempting the jedi hand wave on you.
"we have a mandate from the people, we do not have to compromise, we will make washington over in our image" cue spooky music.
We have the presidency, we have the Senate, refusing to negotiate is a tactic...
They can accomplish squat without us, Obama already has much of his agenda passed, force them to say no again again and again, they do not want to compromise let John Boehner chew off his own arm like a little rabid squirrel in a cage.
We are winning, its that simple stop acting like we are losing, stop appologising, the american people do not even know what Obamacare means. Stay agressive do the right thing but stop stop stop acting like you are powerless in the grip of the empire.
Obama has done an excellent job, say it out loud and often, when they whine back at you show them the picture of your ass you keep in your wallet, point to the lipstick stain, they will get the idea.