Apr 13, 2010 20:24
Those bastards, whoever they are -- the flowers were still blooming, hurting no one, just being beautiful. And someone showed up at my house, mowed my grass, and mowed the flowerbeds. Even the ones raised up and surrounded by bricks, around the ornamental pond -- blooming tulips, daffodils, narcissus, hyacinths, and who knows what else which was yet to bloom, reduced to green rubble with sadly shredded scraps of color. Ironically, only the dandelions survived. I had a beautiful and magical spring garden, and now I have mush.
Who mows a blooming garden?? My cat's fur is a little -- okay, a lot -- damp. Death lies upon my gardens as an untimely frost upon the fairest flowers of all the field...and now there is nothing to greet me when I look out tomorrow morning but flat, shredded green.
Loss of beauty, already so fleeting, is too sad for any more words. I want the flowers back.