Title: Hestia (4/7)
Summary: Azazel and Riptide retire from the Brotherhood, with Magneto’s blessing. This multi-chaptered story chronicles their life together on their houseboat over a period of ten years. We will see a wedding, a birth, the relationship getting into trouble and getting out of it, and more. Angel, Mystique, Magneto and others
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Comments 6
And I cannot believe in a mother who will not fight. No.
I am very sad. Very. This chapter made me sad, because I don;t like my boys very mch in this at all. That could also be the alcohol talking. I dont think I'm being very coherent.
And the more I thought about their characters, the more I thought that this would be exactly how they'd behave if Angel wanted her/their daughter back.
Regardless, thanks for reading and reviewing!
What I meant when I wrote all that is just...hard to explain. We've had an open adoption in the family, and just the thought of the family taking him away made me have a knee-jerk reaction to this. Angel not fighting them for her also hurt something terrible.
You're right though, and they are likely bad people, on some level.
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