Title: Act Nine: The Kingdom
Word count: 6,400
Rating: R
Pairing: Azazel/Riptide
Other Characters: Mystique, Angel, Magneto
Summary: The sequel to
Riptide in Eight Acts. Riptide’s life after Shaw’s death and Magneto is now the leader
Disclaimer: I don’t own and I don’t make any money off of them
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I'm sorry you didn't like my take on Riptide. I've written a lot of fics on this pairing and I tend to portray them a little differently in each one. This one is he a bit dependent on Azazel...he can't speak, after all. However, in the prequel to this fic, Azazel actually expressed the same sentiment - that he (Azazel) didn't care where they went as long as they were together.
As for the lack of monogamy...I agree with you personally but many or most male-male couples of that era did not practice monogamy, so whether you and I agree with that or not is beside the point! I wanted to be realistic on that point, plus there is the fact that Azazel clearly is not a saint. These are imperfect characters.
Clearly my knowledge of Russian is better than my knowledge of Spanish! I'd assumed that the J was a hard J, but I see that I might have to stand corrected on that point. :)
Thanks again for reading!
Sorry for the fail!
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