Title: Act Nine: The Kingdom
Word count: 6,400
Rating: R
Pairing: Azazel/Riptide
Other Characters: Mystique, Angel, Magneto
Summary: The sequel to
Riptide in Eight Acts. Riptide’s life after Shaw’s death and Magneto is now the leader
Disclaimer: I don’t own and I don’t make any money off of them
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It doesn't work that way.
This kind of glide over characterization is painful to read as well :(
You have some good moments, but I think you need to work more on your characteristics and reasoning behind certain actions of the characters.
Can you be more specific on which actions you think weren't reasoned out enough?
I gotta say your review was a bit painful, but I do appreciate that you took the time to read the fic and were (brutally) honest with your feedback.
The fact is, that if you want to prove that Azazel and Riptide are meant together/in love with each other, I think they could wait with sex till they both can do it without any pain, instead of looking for a surrogate sex partner. Because otherwise it makes Azazel look like a desperate horndog that doesn't give a crap, who he sleeps/has sex with. It doesn't bode well to his character, or rather lack of it.
It makes the whole relationship rather shallow and worthless, and reduces Riptide to nothing else, but a convenient body to have sex with when he's well. Otherwise it's sorry hun, need to fuck, have you seen someone, who could bend over for me?That's one thing that kind of hit me in the face, because I feel no love devotion there, it's flat sand doesn't seem much like a relationship ( ... )
The second one of my doubts is, the way Erik interviewed them. I understand they need to get to know each other, but it goes too smooth, like a job interview when you smile and pretend ( ... )
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