(no subject)

Nov 14, 2005 04:04

Yeah so a lots happened since I updated last none of which is all that pressing. I haven't gone home in a long time, Ive been spending all my weekends at Western. The other weekend I saw Sarah Gladstone and Andy Minnick, who most of you wont know, but but Andy was one of my closest friends since elementary school from church retreats and whatnot, they were here 4 the Ben Folds concert. We were just walking around campus at like 8 or so and we just saw this massive group of people and when we were passing them i saw Andy and i thought it was him but i assumed it was just one of those times when u see some one u think u recognize but on a whim i was like "Andy Minnick?" and he turned and looked and was like "Gormo!" and it was awesome and then he was introducing me to his friends and was like "u remeber us telling stories about him?" and then they listed off all my nicknames: "Teddy Graham, Water Princess, DP..etc" and then they were like "Oh yEAH!" and that made me sooo happy that people are telling stories about me idk it was just cool. Nothing too special happened on the other weekends other than people visiting which is almost always nice. The Central Western game was this weekend and Western won 24-31, it was really a fun game to watch and I pretty much lost my voice for the night from all the cheering, our group went to a few parties after none of which were all that great though the people there were cool for the most part. Other stuff happened that was a little out of the ordinary, but I dont feel like commenting about them.

Anyways school has been okay, but im definitely not looking forward to exams I have a feeling business will kick my ass because I havent learned anything all year, mainly because in class the prof says simple concept like "you want more money coming into a business or company than you do going out" and "you want to make the customer happy", but on our online quizes i cant complete one without using the book. Im glad about some of the things that come with the semester ending and going home and some not so much. Im sure after mym onth off for Christmas Ill be exstatic to come back. Yeah I also look forward to the day when I make the effort to go and get my hair cut bc it is honestly the longest its been since I was like 4. HaHa

I should update more often so these arent so damn long
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