Feb 25, 2005 01:37
I had to work today Grrr... Then I went and did my taxes. I should be getting about 3,500 back. Then I came over Maht's house, and we had chinese food. I began to pass out on the couch due to my comming down from ephedrine (sp?). Those pills are great! They truely are like speed. I was reminded of when I used to roll a lot. I ate next to nothing all day, and had no apetite, and I was awake! (much better than caffiene). So I decided to take a shower. I was in such a good mood until I sat down to update my LJ. I started thinking about all of my friends I haven't seen in for ever, and got horribly depressed. Poo. Well, Jay came home, and he is playing video games with Maht, so I think I am going to go to bed soon. I just wanted to post, seeing as how I don't get many oppurtunities to do so. Hopefully I will get to see some of you soon.
I miss Mr. Gary Peters.
And just in case I wasn't depressed enough before, I have chosen to listen to Dashboard while sitting here alone, playing minesweeper. It is so strange... I feel so much like I am comming down form ecstacy. Hmmm....
Anyway, I will write more later.