Aug 12, 2004 00:46
so ironically I started this week off thinking I didn't have shit for hours at work, and it now seems there is almost no feasible way not to go into over time. Rock on.
And now, a survey that I stole...
1] using band names spell out your first name:
System of a down
Rise against
Mars volta
2] have you ever had a song written about you? muahaha
3] what song makes you cry? "Footprints" by Sarah McHoweveryouspellhername, "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" by The Smiths
4] what song makes you happy? "Candyman" by Siouxsie and the Banshees, "Tangerine" by Led Zeppelin, "Like Days" by theSTART, I could go on...
5] what do you like to listen to before bed? depends what mood I'm in
6] what was the best band you ever saw live? my lovely Detachment Kit... those guys put on the most energetic show ever and I love them for it.
7] who was your idol when you were little? Shirley Manson
8] first album you ever bought? Don't recall
9] name a song that reminds you of someone and why? "I Miss You" by Incubus... reminds me of my ex Jason... and that it as much detail as you get!
Name 3 habits u have:
1) drumming on everything
2) playing with my cartilage peircing
3) saying "dude" (thanks Eric... fucker)
Name four scents you love:
1) cedar
2) coffee
3) banana nut muffins
4) campfire
Name something you'd never wear:
1) One of those stupid shirts that say "I <3 Nerds"
Name 3 animals you like:
1) Orcas and marine mammals in general
2) Cats
3) Lions
Name four television shows you love:
1) don't have cable
2) don't have cable
3) don't have cable
4) don't have cable
Name 2 bands/genres/artists most people don't know you like:
1) jazz
2) Sinead O'Conner
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1) coffee
2) water
3) sprite
Name a random fact about yourself: I can spell the longest word in the dictionary in under 4 seconds (for those of you wondering what that word is: antidisestablishmentarianism)
Name a random fact about your family: out of a total of 7 aunts and uncles only 2 have maintained their first marriage
Have you ever...
1)Fallen for your Best Friend? it was more the other way around
2)Made out with JUST a friend? sorta
3)Been rejected or heartbroken? yes
4)Been in love? yes
5)Been in lust? yes
6)Used someone? no
7)Been used? yes
8)Cheated on someone? no
9)Been cheated on? not that I'm aware of
10)Done something you regret? who hasn't?
Who was the last person..
11)You touched? probably one of my co-workers
12)You talked to? Daisy
13)You hugged? Timmy
14)You instant messaged? Tanya
15)You yelled at? stupid customers
16)You laughed with? daisy, cera, and andrea
17)You had a crush on? not counting my fiance... this dude that turned out to be the shittiest kisser on the planet... talk about a buzzkill.
18)Who broke your heart? "it's a long and miserable story I'd rather not get into right now there's a three-legged dog staring at me."
Do you:
19)Colour your hair? yes
20)Have tattoos? yes
21)Piercings? yes
22)Own a web cam? no
23)Have aol? aohell
24)What should you be doing right now? folding laundry
25)What are you listening to? Triprocket
27)Chicken or fish? uh... veggie nuggets?
28)Do you have a favourite animal? Orca
29)Is ice cream the best thing in the world? ooooooh! I found vegan cookies n' creme ice cream!!!!!! That stuff is the best.
1. What would your dream date be? my first date with my fiance... go out for food, go back to a house in the middle of no where watch a couple movies... look at the clock and realize it's 8am. And Aimee called me a slut for that... psshh!
2. Single flower or a dozen? the more appropirate question is how many will my cats wat before i even see them?
3. Silver, gold or platinum? silver
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? home. the best candle lit dinner I ever had was candles and dorrito nachos... yumm.
5. Silly or serious romance? silly
6. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? it is the vite baddy... gotta love Van Wilder.
Do you consider yourself:
Romantic? sometimes
Snotty? no
Quiet? on occasion
Boring? it happens to the best of us
Funny? sometimes
Have you ever...
Dissected something? a worm and a rat. My partner broke the rat's leg and I felt bad.
Drank fluids? haha... what kinda fluids are we talking here? *puts on innocent face* water?
Kissed someone? yes
Missed someone? yes
Told someone you love them? yes
Talked to someone you have a crush on? yes
What CD is in your CD player right now? Triprocket, selftitled
Q. Favourite song? I have narrowed it down to 5: "America" by Simon and Garfunkel, "These Dreams" by Heart, "Wild Horses" by The Rolling Stones, "Rock 'n Roll" by Led Zeppelin, "Daughter" by Pearl Jam
Q. What is your shoe size? 7
Q. What will you be when you grow up? i don't wanna grow up... *sing the song*
Q. What are you doing right now? watching my cats kick the shit out of each other