Apr 05, 2015 00:31

Or, 'Relationships'. I'm just a persona-tard.

[The Chariot] - Shiki: Aside from the 'who the hell is this guy and why is he touching me' that happens at least every half hour in the man's presence, Cloud isn't quite sure what to make of this one. Shiki is the first person he met face to face in Jigoku, who not only helped him out, but has given him a place to stay until he can fix his apartment and look after himself. For some reason Cloud can't quite get, this man seems to feel responsible for him. Or have some particular interest in him. At the same time, there's something dark about him, something not quite right, and he sees bits and pieces of this menacing, forboding, cold blooded-killer. Whilst he tells himself, 'this isn't a person I can/should trust', that seems to be happening out of his control. Doesn't stop him from shoving the other off when things get physical.
There's a lot about him Cloud doesn't like; the touchy-feely-ness, stubbornness, the invasion of his privacy, the way he's spoken down to cruelly sometimes. He is a little less lonely, though, when Shiki is around, and they have a mutual understanding of the darkness in each other's pasts which bears no judgement. Though he won't admit it, not even to himself, Cloud likes the idea of someone looking out for him, giving a damn, in the way Shiki does.
All in all, not sure if he'd call him a friend, but at the same time he's more than an aqcuaintance. 'Roommate' will do for now.

[The Fool] - Zack: The last time Cloud saw Zack, they were best friends, and he was sprawled half-dead on the stairs of Nibelheim mako-reactor's inner sanctum. The Zack here is fit as a fiddle, and sporting his old hairstyle, hasn't even met Cloud yet, let alone gotten owned by Sephiroth at the reactor.
Cloud's reaction to this is an odd one. He's chosen to keeping his distance, convincing himself it's in Zack's best interests if they have nothing to do with each other, as though this could prevent him from going on the Nibelheim mission in his future. He could explain his reasons, but probably wouldn't if asked. To him, Zack is the only person he has left, after the fire claimed his mother, childhood friend, and hero. For said only friend to not even recognise him, stings too terribly to express. Unreasonably, part of him is also angry at the other for this.

[The Moon] - Mika: They've only spoken a couple of times, and met in person once, but there is something 'big-sister-ish' about Mika. Cloud always feels somewhat younger around her, and easily caught off guard. Vulnerable, too, since she knows a lot about him, years into his future. He knows it's not a good idea to ask questions on it, but it seems like the more he tries to force those thoughts away, the more questions pop up. One of these days, if he gets paranoid enough, he might confront her and demand answers.

zack, relationships, lol persona, mika, cloud will burn his dread, shiki

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