First of all under a totally random comment, Killzone for the PS2 ROCKS. The AI rocks and the game rocks giant lavaballs. That said, on with the update on Everway.
Once again we open the story as the rest of the PCs and NPCs are upon the trail of their errant companion, Kintaro (The Shakari) who has run off and decided to scout ahead, fortunately since this isn't D&D there aren't any wandering monster or random tables (So he didn't encounter a marauding dragon with halitosis at all).
*makes a note re: dragon (for later)*
He did however encounter a wooden shack that was part of the Goblin outpost. Imagine the old border checkpoints, complete with striped red barrier and small wooden box to stand in at the other end. Patrolling back and forth before this construction was: A solitary goblin.
The fellow was dressed in red and gold, a beautiful red broccade coat and black trousers, sleek black military style boots and he had a musket. This was the second clue that things in Roundhollow are not the same as everywhere else.
Yes he might have been ugly as sin to a human and have dark olive skin, protruding teeth and yellow horrid eyes but he was also over six feet tall and spoke with a near-London accent, not surprising really since I based the Goblins of Roundhollow on a steam-punk Victorian society.
Read on if you dare.
The rest of the group (tracking Kintaro) found him in wolf form at the edge, watching this fellow (tail all a swishy and very perplexed). A plan was formed, concocted or simply came out of no-where by the resident Miss Ravensclaw...with words akin to.
"Well I suppose we could always try talking to him?"
And so it was that the players found out that the Goblin before them was possessed of a keen mind, cockney accent and most of all had a fondness for axes. Glen Tarse (The dwarf) brother of Shaw Tarse (Yes I know but this is
gabby2600 we're talking about here and his power of pun-ness cannot be overcome. As the last alliance of sanity had fallen against him thousands of years ago, when he first set foot on the Earth as the evil overlord and decimated the dinosaurs with a cunning use of spoons and an army of Chinchillas.)
I digress.
Tarse (cowardly axe salesman), Professor Strange (Hogwarts latest defence against the dark arts teacher) and Miss Ravensclaw (Natasha to everyone else) along with the other PCs and NPC approached the Goblin, after a little banter and much talk of axes (To both Tarse and the Goblins delight) the Goblin Commander was summoned from within the shack.
Enter Malcom S. Pontlesbury Esq Commander of the King's 32nd Musket and Bayonet regiment of border guards.
The PCs spoke to the Commander of their mission and he invited them into the little shack, which was of course about the size of a great hall inside. The laws of reality are a little skewed in Roundhollow, as we shall find out later on.
Much discussion took place within the shack. Several beers various kinds of tea and of course a good old amount of scones were consumed as the PCs chatted to Malcom. They were drawn further into the plot when Malcom explained that goblins were going missing as well, and he told them about elves.
Note: By definition an elf in Roundhollow is a degenerate form of goblin, these creatures are pale of skin and almost ethereal. They are also backstabbing conniving and dangerous gits that make the fae of Roundhollow seem nice by comparison.
It was decided that the goblins would allow the PCs to see their King and so a coach was summoned, the driver akin to a version of Richard O'Brian (For those of you that don't know him, Riff-Raff from the Rocky Horror Picture Show). The coach set off.
Exactly half-an-hour before they were due to arrive in Londinium (The Capital of the Goblin Kingdoms) the coach suffered a minor mishap, one of the wheels broke.
But never fear, Natasha to the rescue with a little Hogwarts magic.
I did mention back there that the laws of reality didn't quite work as they should in Roundhollow, right?
Nor do the laws of magic.
Where was I?
So it was raining underground...and Miss Ravensclaw did some magic...
Natasha mended the broken rock first, by accident of course and then managed to send most of the wheel into the sky (Way off into the dark overhead).
It was then that the driver Knick-knack (yes that's his name) gave the players a clue, something about magical effects being reversed (He didn't mention the physical laws). This was amusing when Kintaro tried to shift into his big wolf form reasoning that he would be safe, he wasn't magical right?
Kintaro: Ribbit-Ribbit-Ribbit.
Hunter tried to shift, whoopsie, she's a magical creature and ended up as a cow instead of a panther - BWHAHAHA - finally she managed to shift into a rabbit and Kintaro shifted into his big wolf form, yay for scaring the other players shitless.
Meanwhile, Natasha managed to repair the wheel with the cunning use of destruction magic...they were able to continue on their journey.
Finally they arrived in the Capital and found themselves before a five-foot two-inches goblin version of santa-claus...well...that's how I described him, uglier of course but dressed in the finest clothes. He had white hair and a big handle-bar moustache, it was all the PCs could do OOC not to burst into giggles.
I also gave him a very British 'Old Boy' style of manner and voice.
The Goblin King: Gorge Featherwalter Pickett Grummplin the IV engaged them in parlay and more tea. Biscuits and gobstoppers were consumed as he explained more about the Goblins and the very nature of elves. Result = Horrified several players.
The PCs also met the King's chief scientist, Hans Gearing (typical germanic voiced mad scientist) who explained about Roundhollow, knew they were Spherewalkers and was one himself. He also explained in great detail the plight of the multiverse, the Spheres were colliding and the bits were getting stuck into other bits.
To visualise this take a large wooden box (or plastic) full of gobstoppers and shake them vigerously, bits of red in yellow and so forth. That's how Hans described it.
Goblins like gobstoppers.
The session ended with the PCs preparing to embark on a mission to the Elven Kingdoms via Goblin Zepplin across the great Abyss.
Miss Ravensclaw and Hunter found a bath and there is talk of a trade agreement between Tarse and the Goblins to provide, walking axes - update will follow when I run the game again.