Looks like our
local anti-tax loon got his recall petition language approved. This would, if it made it to ballot and passed, would recall the entire city government, possibly leaving it up to the Govenor to appoint.
What he doesn't understand (given he's one of those "Republicans" (the oddball ones), this is not inexplicable) is that this is a democratic society. He also doesn't seem to understand the fact that Clawson has some of the lowest property taxes in the State, and possibly the lowest in the County.
We need new roads, and we need a new water system. This must be paid for. He has either proposed that this be paid for out of thin air or through a possibly unconstitutional city income tax system. He doesn't seem to understand that fiscal responsibility also means that sometimes you need to raise money to pay for infrastructure and that unlike the federal government, the city cannot engage in check kiting.
Needless to say, I'm rather pissed off that he and his cronies are engaged in what appears to be an attempt to destroy the town I live in via their temper tantrums and tyrannical behavior.
I want to go head-to-head with this guy and his henchmen, but I'm not entirely sure how.
What I did do, for starters, is send an e-mail to the Mayor and the whole Clawson City Council, the text of which is below:
Mayor Dwyer and the Clawson City Council,
As a citizen of Clawson who is appalled by the recent actions of a
tyrannical few, I would like to take the time to say to all of you that
I support you and your actions regarding the steps you have taken to
repair our failing roads and water system. If this recall were to come
to a vote, you have my support and would do my best to get the recall
voted down. I would also like to say that I will be voting to approve
the millage increase this August (as I did in the previous election) and
will be trying to get others to do the same.
What some do not seem to understand is that this is a democratic
society and nation. Recalls are not the answer for when they do not get
their way. Such are the tactics of a spoiled child, in my opinion.
Unlike those few who complain and use underhanded tactics to bring
pressure against our democratically elected officials, I do understand
the need for an increased assessment to furnish new roads and bring our
water system out of the early twentieth century. Obviously they would
prefer cockeyed and illegal taxation schemes or to have Clawson slip
backward, leaving us with a water system and roads that a third world
nation wouldn't event want.
Please keep up the good work, and know that I appreciate your efforts
as my city government. If I find that there is anything I can do to
help, I will do my best to do so.