Books bought

Feb 01, 2009 22:22

One of the things in life I take great joy in doing is hunting through bookstores full of old books and used books.

The Troy Library has a "Friends of the Library" bookstore where people can donate books to. They then sell them for a dollar or five, depending on relative rarity and perceived worth by the bookstore staff.

Value being in the relative eye of the beholder, I greatly looked forward to hunting through the stacks when I found out about it while applying for a library card there.

So, on my first visit downstairs, I found the following:

Alfred Bester's "The Stars, My Destination"
"The Columbia History Of The World" (an utter doorstop of a book, it has to be five inches thick)
"Design Guidelines for Surface Mount Technology"
Three of James Herriot's veterinary memoirs novels.

And then the three best finds of the day:

Heinlein's "JOB: A Comedy Of Justice", 1st edition hardback, practically MINT.


Volumes one and two of "A Treasury of Great Science Fiction". Hardback. Copyright 1959, Doubleday & Company. Many, many great science fiction classic short stories, including "Waldo" and "The Weapons Shops Of Isher".

All three of those were a dollar per book. To me, especially the Treasury volumes, they're priceless.


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