The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things

Jan 18, 2006 22:29

I don't usually have a thing for celebrities (okay, Jorja Fox is the exception), but I'm totally into Mariska Hargitay right now. She's great. And her character in Law and Order: SVU reminds me entirely too much of myself.

I seem to have made another fandom jump again. Currently Shoujo Kakumei Utena rules the roost.

Is it possible to get addicted to eBay? Because in my search for interesting Utena shtuff, I opened an account and subsequently bought the CUTEST RING I'VE EVER SEEN. It's a Duelist's ring, rose crest and all. I never thought they actually made that type of thing. I found some other licensed ones later that were way out of my price range, but I got this one with my Christmas money, from a cosplay prop maker in Australia ^^ She said it'd take up to two weeks for it to get here, minus Customs, and the suspense is killing me. There will be picspam when it arrives :D MWHAHAHHAAH ph34r m3h~

Adding to the complete irresponsibility this week has fostered, I spent this evening with the guys at an oyster bar. They knew I'd been feeling kind of down lately, so they dragged me over there and challenged me to an oyster eating contest. Thing is, while I've always eaten fried oysters, I haven't touched the raw ones because they resemble in taste and texture a large fat slug. Stupidly though, I took them up on the challenge (and came in second place, w00t).

During the course of this not at all sophomoric activity, Drew mentioned that oysters are supposed to be aphrodisiacs. I still fail to see how blobs of slimy grey muscle tissue are supposed to make someone feel sexy.

Well, I've done a Utena collage, so it's only a matter of time before there's ficcage. However, thanks to the mental image of Hakkai slapping Sanzo (which made my whole day), I'm starting to feel the Saiyuki bug again...

ph34r m3h, i s4i!
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