tutorial #7: Fringe (for coloring_help)

Feb 21, 2010 22:58

Requested by whoopsallgone and strodes.

mine | original


Going from


I used lots of Adjustment Layers for this one, so I won't explain precisely why I did what I did. Basically, I tried to get the icon as yellow as possible without overdoing it. Tutorial has 25 (!) steps. PSD is included this time because with this icon it makes more sense to just copy/paste the layers. Curves are uploaded too, because many of them use a lot of points in RGB/Red/Green/Blue.

01) Crop your image. It's always the same. I prefer working on 100x100 pixels (makes it easier for me to imagine the ending result), but if you'd rather work on a bigger canvas which you will resize eventually, go ahead. For this icon I chose a cap from 1x19 of Fringe because I (still) ship Olivia and Charlie and I want an icon.

02) Add this Curve [download c1] to brighten the image and add yellow. Set to normal (opacity: 100% / fill: 100%).

03) Hue/Saturation
Standard: +5 +16 +5
Yellow: -10 +14 0
Red: -5 +8 -6

04) Add a bright yellow fill layer (#f4e372) on soft light (o: 58% / f: 100%)

For reference, this is how your image should look atm:

05) Add another curve [download c2] set to multiply (o: 22% / f: 100%)

06) A levels layer.
RGB: 28 1,24 243 (and 5 - 255)

07) Selective Colouring (on normal, 100% / 100%) to bring out the yellows and the whites and blacks.
Y: 0 -5 +15 14
W: 0 0 0 -40
G: -5 +2 -14 +18
B: 0 0 +100 +37

08) Colour Balance (normal)
Midtones: +1 -2 -2
Shadows: 0 +7 +6

09) Another Selective Colouring Layer (on normal, 100% / 100%) for the blacks.
B: 0 0 0 +88

10) Lowering/Upping the Brightness/Contrast: -8 +28

11) Gradientmaps are fun, so let's add one (btw: a black/white gradientmap will make your b&w icons look so much better). Foreground: #272006 - Background: #dcf6e1. Set the map to soft light (o: 100% / f: 100%).

>> gradient map

Reference pic #2:

Faces are too green now, and the background is too dark. Will be fixed with the next steps.

12) Brush with an orange colour over the faces of Olivia and Charlie, using a low opacity brush. I used this one by inxsomniax. Set this layer to soft light (o: 36% / f: 100%). Now use white or a light yellow to brush over the entire icon. Set the layer to screen and reduce the opacity to 45% (f: 100%).

13) Add a third Curve layer [download c3]. The mode is Colour Burn (o: 12% / f: 26%).

14) Another Selective Colouring, this time for the reds, yellows and whites.
R: -19 +3 0 -13
Y: +3 +9 -6 +16
W: +2 +13 +14 +16

15) Levels (normal, o: 100% / f: 100%)
RGB: 8 1,10 249

Reference pic #3:

16) Curve #4 [download c4] on Normal (100% opacity/fill). There are two more Curves to come later.

17) Another Levels layer, go to the blues tab. This will up the yellows.
Blue: 0 1,08 249

18) Add a fill layer #f9a3e5, set it to multiply mode (100% opacity/fill).

19) Another Hue/Saturation layer
Standard: -2 -8 +2

20) Add another Curve [download c5] (normal, 100% opacity/fill)

21) Colour Balance: 0 +11 -6

Reference pic #4:

22) Merge the image. Sharpen the faces (nose, mouth, eyes, jaw line and lower cheek) with the Sharpen Tool set to a low opacity (10%). And then use the Blur Tool (around 20%) to blur the cheeks and foreheads.

23) Now erase the background. There are different ways to do this (pen tool, lasso (feather 1) or simply erase it with a hard round brush (that's what I did in this case). Add a texture underneath the cut out image of Olivia and Charlie. I used the picture of Quinn and smudged it for this icon.


24) Add two more Adjustment Layers to brighten the image and make the colours of their faces a little less muted. First add Curve #6 [download c6] (normal, 100% opacity/fill)

25) Add another Colour Balance.
Midtones: +5 -5 -2

Now link both layers to Olivia/Charlie by holding the alt key and click between them.

And you're done!

PSD: download

Tutorial #1 for coloring_help

If you like what you see, please consider watching this community.

!!maker: wickedground, !psd, !tutorial

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