Dec 29, 2010 22:13
A little mary sue won't kill you
I've come a conclusion about myself and mary sue's. I will never be able to fully give up writing oc's that don't resemble mary sue's in some fashion. Why you may ask when mary sues are hated the fanfiction world over, well its becuase I write what I know and understand. I may write about things I've no personal experience with of corse but I do research for that so its somewhat believable. Self insertation in fanfiction is wish fulfillment and well I think everyone has done it at some point.
I think some people are too hard on mary sue like characters not every oc is one and when I insert myself into any fanfic I acknowledge in story that it is a case of a fan finding themselves in what they only knew as a fictional universe in short I will not try to pretend a self insert isn't one.
my own opinion of mary sue's are that they are self inserts pretending they aren't self inserts. if the character is all knowing in a way not supported by some thing say like being immortal or ageless then yeah sounds like a sue. same for all powerful characters able to fix any conflict that already exists or could exist in whichever universe they are in.
things I think make a character less of a sue and more a real oc. they are made known to the reader but do not overshadow the main canon characters. If they interact or become part of the plot they act in a supporting role rarely if ever becoming the full focus. or they need only be realistically flawed like other characters in that universe. If the oc is cast as a mentor of some type it usually becuase the fic writer is of the opinion that the canon handled things badly at some point and wants to fix it and create a different outcome. And I'm just going on an on here aren't I. I will admit oc's that become love interests of canon characters are sueish but I think they deserve to be given a chance before being flamed.
If you've read this you now have some clue about my way of writing fanfic.
mary sue