So Much Happy!

Mar 15, 2010 21:26

Since the weather, albeit rainy for a couple days, has been so warm my mood has vastly improved. I'm not happy all time but I'm actually happy a good sixty percent. It's just so nice to drive my car with the windows down and the a couple of great CD's (courtesy of forest_choir).

The state came into work last week and even though the managers were running around like chickens, I was fine. Anchorage pulled through somehow and there were absolutely no deficencies. That's a great and almost unheard of thing for my employer. Not that I care about it to much, but I do care that our managers aren't running US around after the visit. To top that off, my paycheck was nice. I was able to squirrel some away, buy me and Fuzz some game time at Illusions, and get some new yarns and some nice new knitting needles. The ones I had were made of metal and plastic and that just wasn't working. Being so clumsy, my stitches kept on sliding off so I decided to purchase some bamboo needles.

They're wonderful!

I also found some nifty free knitting patterns for hats so as soon as I'm back in the groove of things, hats for everyone! Whether you like hats or not, it's the thought that counts. They could come in handy one day. Also, for later, much harder projects I also found a three dollar book on knitting cardigans. My friend Sarah, you who lives so far away, WILL EVENTUALLY recieve one in the mail. Even if it kills me.

Also, everything is going pretty great with Fuzzy. He's taking classes to become certified to deal Blackjack and Poker games at ANY casino. Now whether that's Harrington where he hopes to be working, or one out of state, is a different thing entirely. I'm just glad he's off his butt and is doing something with himself. It's also quite exciting. If he's hired in Harrington he could be making fifty thousand a year. Woohoo! Here's to hoping. It's not so great that I have to wake him up in the morning but alarm clocks don't work so it's just what I have to do.

Another thing: I found my lost/stolen camera! Last month I dropped Fuzz off at the college and had set my drink and my three hundred dollar camera in the Gameroom where all our friends hang out and be general obnoxious college students. Without noticing, I left campus to my four to seven and on the way after noticing, I considered calling him and reminding him but I figured he'd get it on his own. I got back to the college after work and asked him if he grabbed my stuff. He shook his wide-eyed head and said he'd gotten my soda though. He felt horrible and said many sorries but there was nothing to be done about it so I forgave him and resigned myself to having to buy another camera eventually, that mine was gone. This week my friend Erin was down from college so I took her back to Deltech so she could reminisce (sp?). I told her about it and she told me that we were going to the lost and found to see if they got it. They did! They said that the benefit of leaving things in the Gameroom is that the security guards are the only one with access to it after hours. w00t!

Well, I need to get back to the knitting. I'm making a scarf for a good friend of mine who's in rehab, she says it's always cold. It was for Fuzz originally but I decided she needed it more. We'll both feel good after it's done!

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