
Jan 28, 2010 19:58

So, last week on Friday I popped a tire on the way back home from work at around 7. Since my bank was closed and I didn't have enough money on me, I had to wait all weekend, than finally wait until I was off to withdraw the money and replace it. It cost ninety dollars and fifty cents.

Than today I let Fuzz drive my car back to his house so he could nab his guitar since he had forgotten it when we left. He had plenty of time before his class and I didn't like seeing him so bored with such a long wait for it to come around. We had taken my car to the school since I had more gas and better mileage than his van, so it wasn't like he had an option to take another vehicle. For some reason, when he was getting ready to head out of the college, I had a bad feeling and the word 'accident' kept on popping up in my mind. I cautioned him to be careful twice and he's a good driver so I was placated when he said he would be.

About an hour and a half later, I started to get worried and when he finally got through the door I knew that there was something off. He came promptly to me and told me to avoid a truck he had to swerve to the side and hit the curve. Prompting the back tire to pop, the one right behind the one that had just been replaced. The entire time he was telling me this, I kept on searching his face to see if he was joking. He wasn't. So immediately I got one of my automotive friends to come look at my tires to see if I needed to replace all of them. Luckily, I don't. Or at least not all at the same time. So within the next month, I will not have any extra money to spend on anything because every three hundred dollar paycheck is going to be paying for a new tire.

On a great note though, since the doughnut that I've been riding on is almost dead amd since I get paid tomorrow I can go ahead and replace the newest popped tire immediately. And my automotive major friend said he'll change my oil for free. If I'm lucky, and my paychecks are relatively nice from now on, I'm going to save fifty so I can at least have something in the account. And if I can get my tax returns from this year and last year, I can also put those in the bank and be a bit more relieved on the money front. Brad also told me today that if I go to the financial aid office and get a fafsa form and a special needs form, all I have to do is write in that I am not living at home, I don't live with my parents, get two letters from two different people stating the same thing (and how much I make and how much rent is) I can get free tuition. Woohoo!
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