David Eddings has passed away.

Jun 06, 2009 23:38

David Eddings introduced me to fantasy.

It was through my father, who tired of buying a new book for me when I finished the first in less than three days. My father wanted to encourage me to read, so he bought books for me (which stopped when I was about 9 or 10, it grew too expensive, and I was left to spend up my allowance and get a library card...). He bought me a thicker book, hoping it would last longer.

David Eddings, part one of the Belgraid, "Pawn of Prophecy".

I hated the beginning, but swallowed the rest. I absorbed the rest of the series like a sponge absorbing water. And have been gobbling down fantasy books ever since.

David Eddings taught me to colour my characters and add humour.

As I grew older I've moved on to preferring much more complex stories, more complex worlds, with less black and white, where evil might only be evil if looked at from a certain angle, and good does things which are morally questionable. I don't really enjoy Eddings like I used to.

But still, he introduced me to fantasy, and for about seven years he was my favourite author. I read the Belgraid nine times. I read the Mallorean as often, and the Elenium and Tamuli twice each. I adored the story of Althalus. I could cite sentences, passages, entire pages from my favourite parts. I adored those books. I returned to them again and again, and when I was down reading in them could bring a smile back to my face.

So rest in peace, David Eddings. You will be missed.

sadness, books

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