May 18, 2005 13:33
Being sick sucks. I just got over a cold and then yesterday I thought I had the flu, but now I think I just reinfected myself with the same cold again. I think I'm dying. Lol. And I'm kinda hungry but I don't know what to eat. I'm really sleepy too because I kept waking up every 2 hours last night. And when I say every 2 hours, I mean every 2 hours. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 12: 44, and then I woke up at 2: 44 and then I woke up at 4:44 and then again at 6:44. It was a rough night. I kept having dreams about the Wayfarer Redemption series because I'm in the third one right now, which is acutally the last part of the Axis trilogy. But it was insane, I kept dreaming I was Azhure and that Axis was my lover and I was a moon goddess and stuff. Haha. Of course no one knows what I'm talking about so I'll shut up. I wish I could go get a whopper but my dad took my car last night and said he was going to change the oil, but it's not done yet. So I am stranded. And hungry. Yepper. Guess that's all. Later peoples.