We had two consecutive square dance weekends. We drove down to Gaithersburg for a workshop. David Avery from Texas attended as a guest. Linda even showed up for a bit, and called some.
justetthon took charge of meals again and we had barley smothered chicken and a crocked eggplant dish.
I got to dance a bit to my own calling of Spring Berkshires at a fast pace. While the surprises are not there, it’s still neat to experience the puzzles as a dancer, and be on the same level with the others. I know there are those who don’t care for Emulate, but I think it works well. I called a live dance of older C-Gull material also, and we played a quick round of Apples to Apples on Saturday evening before heading over to DC.
At Remingtons, we ran across Shawn, Larry (minus Matt), Todd & Tom, Patrick and Alfredo, Charles, David Sands, Jason & Wendy. Woofy Jim came out to say Hi in response to my text message, and
copperred was also in attendance. Got in a couple of dances with
meinfs also.
Our second dance weekend occurred at Cherry Ridge. Ett & Linda called their yearly C3 dance. I picked up
ann0625 from Newark, we got Patrick from work and headed to PA. There were 3 squares. The 3 of us, along with David Avery found a restaurant called the Halfway House where we had dinner on Saturday night. Ann was supposed to dance with
barryleiba, but it seems like his non-appearance was due to another calendar glitch. We played a game of Taboo with Janet and the Robertsons.