Visiting Toronto, Laser

Dec 12, 2024 18:26

From yesterday evening:

I'm on the train home from Toronto after laser. I walked about 16k steps today, and I was *thrilled* to be walking around in a real city. After the appointment, I walked the 1.6 miles back to Union Station instead of taking transit just so I could be there, walking in the city.

I am a city girl.

Though the best part of walking around the city was doing a lot of it with that cute puppy girl I mentioned. She is even more adorable in person than I remembered!

I'd read about a dog themed fountain downtown, and she didn't know about it, so that was a mandatory stop! She also showed me a shop with the largest selection of manga I've seen in a long time. It's also a mask required space, and I haven't seen one of those in years! At a different store, she had talked a bit at length about Warhammer. At that shop, I realized I was taking about yuri so much that I told her I was gushing about a special interest and she could stop me if she'd like to. Instead she bought two volumes of yuri 😂

So it was a very, very nice day. On the walk to Union after laser, my lips started feeling numb in a way that's new and I was a little concerned, but it didn't last long.

I'd spent a while thinking about what I wanted to wear today before going to bed last night and I thought I had it sorted. Then I got up and it wasn't working and Miriam's advice and help saved the day. I appreciate her for so many things in so many ways.
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