Bike Repair, Piercing, Masks and Covid

Apr 13, 2024 12:09

The piercing seems like it's healing really well. But once in a while, I catch it with a comb or something and it becomes immediately clear that healing well is not healed. Ow ow ow!

I'm trying to get myself looking nice to bring my bike to the shop. The last time I had it in, they said that the headset bearings couldn't be fully secured correctly because...I can't remember why. Probably wear? On my last long ride I noticed the headset was loose again, so I want to see what needs to be done. If I knew it was just replacing bearings or something I'd probably do it myself, but I don't feel like my knowledge is sufficient to know what's necessary.

I'm hoping this doesn't mean I need a whole fork (one of the few original pieces of the bike) or that the frame is worn out or something. But it's probably nothing so catastrophic?

It's really frustrating to have my eyebrows and hair and things looking the way I want in the mirror but knowing I have to put a mask on to go out and it will get my hair all messed up again, but so it goes.

appearance, bicycle, longing, hair, covid

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