I walked to the Value Village thrift store in upper Hamilton ("on the mountain") today. The portion of the walk along the Bruce Trail through the woods on the escarpment was gorgeous! The walk through upper Hamilton, which is a typical grid-based suburban area, was brutal. It was a hot day, there was very little tree cover, and the hat that has helped keep me cool for most of a decade is lost in the Amsterdam airport. I'll need to replace that.
Anyway, that walk pushed my current limits. Strava says it was 9.28 miles over 1.75 hours with 476 feet of elevation gain. I picked up a couple useful bits for our computers, got a little fast food and Gatorade to keep me going, and walked back home.
The day before, yesterday, I took a ride down to the St. Vincent De Paul store. It would be closed by the time I got there, but I wanted an excuse to get out and do something. The bike system tracks my rides. This is good and bad of course, but it means I can more easily share them with folks.