My bike lock is 19 years old (I bought it along with my bike, I think) and has been giving me trouble for a while. In the past, lubing it with some Tri-flow has kept it behaving, but that didn't seem to help much a couple weeks ago. Today, as I tried to unlock it to go to Jewel over lunch, I couldn't do it. I spent twenty minutes on it, off and on, before giving up and buying cookies at the book store because I was frustrated and wanted something sweet.
My wrist aches too, now, from wrestling with it. I have my wrist brace with me so I put that on. I'm not sure what to do about the lock if I can't get it open to go home. I think it would take a long time to get through with a hacksaw.
I bought a good new lock from Amazon today too. It's finally time.
I went with
the one that Wirecutter gave the highest rating to.