Oct 27, 2009 09:37
Update on work real quick: The announcement came out of all the leadership changes for the coming winter season and my name was on it for Team Lead. My boss finally responded saying that I can be promoted, but before they can have me, she has to have a replacement for me for my current Quality position. This will be the third week she has not been at work. I doubt she will make the decision on who will replace me over the phone. I would really like to start training, but I can't. The Management Training class started yesterday and I can't attend. I'm going to have to be trained on the floor which kinda sucks. But I did officially get the position.
Now, on to the crafty part. Hubby is currently in Chicago attending a very expensive SAP class that work is paying for. Hopefully he can get his SAP certification through the company, but who the hell knows based on their track record.
So this gives me the perfect opportunity to work on the Anniversary present without him being here. I looked all over for a bottle. ALL OVER. Went to 10 stores prior to the craft store because it was closed that day and I did find a cool looking bottle and bought it. Then realized later that because it was cool with glass designs on it, it would be hard to see the stuff I put inside. So I finally just got a cheap small bottle of wine just for the bottle. Got the label off and it's drying right now. Here's the plan- Put stuff from our wedding and honeymoon in the bottle and present it with a message in it for our first Anniversary. I have raw "Cape May Diamonds" (quartz for the rest of you) that I picked up from the beach, a little rubber penguin (inside joke), and dried roses that were on the altar of the wedding. Those are going to go inside the bottle along with parchment paper of something really nice. The bottle itself will be topped with a fleur de lis pewter wine stopper (only because I couldn't find a black cat stopper. I don't understand how Hallmark can have Christmas ones, but no Halloween stoppers. I have Halloween ribbon that will tie and old fashioned metal key around the neck of the bottle. I'm debating if I should put a little 1.5 inch plush penguin with hands that velcro together holding the key. And I have a nice wine back to put the bottle in. So far for such a "cheap" idea for an Anniversary present, I have spent more in gas running around, buying things twice because I like the second one better, etc. I could have bought him a new computer game at this point over a stupid bottle. I wonder sometimes.