I think I need to seriously get back to the swing of things on LJ. I say that every time I realize I haven't posted anything in MONTHS. Although, with my life kinda not changing much day to day, it's hard sometimes to come up with stuff. I life totally secluded from all I have known and loved and that makes that difficult at times. However, enough drama has happened recently that warrants a post that will most likely end up huge. I will cut to spare you.
I'm impressed at the fact that my mind went off to a totally distant place and I remember it enough to actually post. I was waiting in the drive thru at the pharmacy to pick up nummy pills and I find myself behind a truck looking straight at the tail gate. On that truck was a red, white, and blue support our troops or something car magnet that was starting to fade. The red color was almost all the way gone. I look at this and I was taken back for a few moments as if time no longer existed and I could travel between years just at the mere thought of doing so and reliving that time. I saw myself as a small child in my room waking up in the morning and sitting up in bed. The window is directly in front of my and on the top window is a rainbow window sticker with a green pasture and little stream running under the rainbow. The colors are bright and beautiful. It is a happy sight to wake up to for many years. I then see myself waking up again but older. Without changing places or moving the bed around, again, I'm in the same position when waking and sitting up in bed. The sticker as worn with age. The edges didn't look shabby, but the colors were fading. The top red color was almost completely gone and all the other colors were slowing changing to a tint of blue. Again the same image only older but the sticker was completely blue or white depending on what color faded completely away. This makes we wonder and realize how time passes. The older I seem to get, the quicker it passes. Soon, everything I'm doing now will be a far off dream if I remember it at all. These series of thoughts and the realization of how weird it is to be in the same exact space but years apart and be looking at things completely changed also lead me to remember this. I remember being in the family car with blue seats and my feet just reaching the edge of the seat. I remember being in that same seat years later and my feet were half way between the seat and the floor. And I remember at the time I realized I had grown much more than I last remembered looking at where my feet fell on the seat, ALL THE WAY BACK AS A CHILD, I remember at that point thinking and feeling how weird it was to step through a looking glass and have years instantly pass by. I thought this then as a child. And it is repeated now as an adult. I wonder how many more years it will take for me to think and feel this way again.
On to the bitching. Work is increasingly giving me red ass. My boss is ancient and I believe she is planning on retiring in 2 years. My question.......why the wait. This is the woman that yells at me when I tell her what I've done so far in the week for her. She yells and asks me who told me to do that and I'm left having to say "You did." Then she yells at me and tells me not to tell her what she said. She then yells at me, LIKE IT IS MY FAULT OR PROBLEM, that she can't remember what she says from one week to the next..................................And you would like me to do my job how?????? Getting in trouble for doing what I'm told and actually doing my job is getting REALLY FUCKING OLD QUICK!
Hubby's job is also shit right now. He was moved down here on the promise of a promotion. He is already doing the work and reporting to the director. Enter the new CEO and all hell breaks loose. This guy ROLLS everyone. His boss, 2 VPs, and several more important people are told they will be terminated in December for no apparent reason. This guy wants a 4 Billion dollar company in 4 years showing 23% growth per year and wants to do this on the staff of a 1.5 Billion dollar company. 1. That goal is way ridiculous and will never happen. 2. Good luck at trying to do the job and making the yogurt and transporting it safely without the man power to watch over shit and pull things if there is a problem. Let me know how that works out for you. 3. He has successfully created the worse shark tank I have ever seen. Everything is done behind close doors. No one dares trust anyone else because they don't know if it will cost them their job. Everyone is either fired already, or looking to quit. No one is happy and everyone is scared to death. Great job environment asshole. 4. With hubby's boss fired, because no one really understands or knows what his team does, they have effectively demoted him to the lowest level you can get and basically made him an Admin person. A professional IT degreed person that keeps everyone's inventory from crashing and the system working is a fucking secretary now. At least they haven't changed his pay. Then we find out this should have never been done until his boss came back from vacation. The other manager took that opportunity to restructure the team without her and make them his monkeys so they can keep doing the work they aren't getting paid to do to make him look good. This is shit. When his boss came back, he told her and she is going right to the VP about this. Maybe things will get better. Maybe not. Seriously looking at new jobs and headhunters and hopefully can find something back in PA. Need to move home ASAP for hubby's sanity and NEED to find a company that actually doesn't treat their employees like shit.
And lastly on the bitch list, my good friend Tessa from down here is basically not my friend anymore. I'm not sure if I've mentioned her before but here is the short version. Met her at work, our personalities are great together. She is twisted like me and is really cool. She has 6 children and is pregnant again with twin boys due in March. Her current children range from 5-18 yrs old. The younger ones call me Aunt which is so cool. They only have 1 car. Many times she has called me asking to run to get her kids or pick them up. She has asked me to take her to work if she had no other way to get there since her van broke down, even with it being my day off. She had been carpooling with me since the last schedule shift bid since her schedule got changed to mine and she lives right down the road. Her 12 yr old daughter slept over at my house to have a sleepover and baking party. I have fed her family a couple of times. Why on EARTH would I make up or accuse her 16 year old of breaking my car window unless I knew it was true? And the response that I get when I call her furious is "My son did not break your window..click." I understand that you don't want your kids and trouble and always stick up for them and that's good. UNLESS YOU LIE TO GET THEM OUT OF TROUBLE WHEN THEY ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING BAD LIKE YOU DO ALL THE TIME. She is a master at spinning her children the victim. Since she has been riding with me to work, when I take her home, I have to also pick up her 16 yr old from football practice. The last time I did this, she is eating sunflower seeds in the car because she quit smoking due to babies and she needs something to keep her busy. No problem. She is flicking the seeds out the window. Again, no problem. Son is in the back seat and he lowered the window a bit because he too was eating seeds. No problem. One of Tessa's seeds stuck fast to the outside of the back window. He punched the window to get the seed off. Guess who's window doesn't work now. It worked fine for him. Will not go up or down anymore but will fall down by itself while driving when I hit bumps. The only way to get it back up with to manually pull on it up which I do after every time I drive now. I have to duct tape it on the inside. The cost for repairing this according to the dealership is $98-198 if it's just off the track and $490-600 if the regulator or whatever is broken and they have to replace and also depending on what interface the car is using. He says that if I can move the window up and down by myself, which I can, it most likely is the regulator. Tessa is poor. Has no money and especially not now with twins on the way. She also has not spoke to me since she hung up on me and I haven't spoken to her except for professional work issues which both of us act and talk like nothing is wrong when it comes to work. She is not going to pay for this because not only does she not have money, she won't even accept the fact her son did this. SHE WAS IN THE FUCKING CAR. I HEARD HOW HARD HE HIT THE WINDOW AND YELLED AT HIM RIGHT THEN AND THERE TO NOT HIT THE WINDOW. Apparently she does not understand how easy it is to break power windows or doesn't want to. This is added to the recent feelings of being used and abused because she wants to leave work early when we carpooled. I'M HOURLY, NOT SALARY LIKE YOU ARE AND YOU KNEW THIS PRIOR TO US CARPOOLING. I CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE EARLY JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO. I get to punch a clock. She would constantly hurry me up and make comments at 6:30 when it was time to leave because she has to pick up her son and go to football practice. And because her shift really starts 30 min prior to mine and I was showing up early, my boss said I could clock in early and leave at 6 if I wanted to. I guess 6 isn't good enough either because she was hurrying me and making comments close to then too. I finally told her 6 or 6:10 is way better than 6:30 so shove it. I now don't really have a desire to speak with her because I'm tired of being people's door mats to use however they like and dump me when it is convenient.
Oh, and now I remember making that post about that fight I saw where the kid got hurt. Guess who's house that was at.
Done now.