Look at me, posting!

Mar 03, 2014 01:30

Yea gods, this week has been rough. I think I put in two extra days' work just in overtime. Plus we had a departmental meeting to tell us that our immediate boss is being forced out changing departments. Also they hired this new guy who is an absolute jerk who sits right next to me. Ugh. At least he leaves after a couple of hours so I don't have to deal with him for my entire shift, but he makes my passive-aggressive side come out. So far I have managed to squash it.

I had to make a side trip to Portos today to fortify myself from all this stress. (Also hmmm, they have one in Downey now? That is not as far as I have been known to go for dim sum.)

Has Yaoicon announced their guests yet?

Anyway, have some sort of French dance competition, which is technically worksafe...

Does anyone on my flist watch Shameless? The gifs on my tumblr make it look interesting, but is it a sitcom or a drama?

Also I want to get my dad an Italian gift basket for his upcoming birthday. Anyone have any experience with igourmet?

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