What was the name of the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors again?

Aug 26, 2011 04:22

I'm stealing this from one of my ebook communities:

Diane Duane is once again thinking of completing her "Door" series. […] It's a charming swords-and-sorcery series with very likable characters in a "everyone is bisexual" world. There are important gay, straight, lesbian, and poly romances. Also dragons, a snarky shapeshifting fire elemental, angst, a fascinating magic system, and a non-sappy Goddess. Warning for non-gratuitous and plot-important but fairly graphic rape flashback scene in book two.

If this sounds like something you might possibly like, check out her e-book site, where they are all available. If you decide to do this, use the discount code STARLIGHTGUILT when you check out: it’ll give you a 15% discount on your total purchase and also mark you as someone to be notified should something start happening with Starlight in 2012.

I can't tell you how often I prowled all the local used bookstores within a 20-mile radius until I finally found a copy of Door Into Sunset. Relatedly, I also found out Brandon Fox is starting to publish ebooks. I think one of his books was the first bit of m/m porn I ever read. Before I discovered Nifty. Before I found fandom.

Your Highness by kitipurr. J2 fairy tale. (Y'all know how much I love my fairy tales.)
Jared was the younger prince until his brother died; now he's heir to the throne. Jensen is a lord who hasn't been to court in years. There's a party.
Sweet and schmoopy with great side characters.

Unchangeable by bewaretheides15
Jared's basically the sweetest guy on the planet, except for the fact that he is actually a giant fire-breathing lizard.

J2 AU that is the best of two worlds-- both a high school AU and a fairy tale-- with a fire breathing dragon-- of sorts.

A Good Employee Knows What His Boss Wants by 13chapters. Another J2 AU (I'm sensing a theme here) written for this blindfold. prompt:
Jensen R. Ackles is the boss at an office/law firm.

Jared just got out of school and is hired as Jensen's secretary.

Jensen's been flirting non-stop, but Jared just doesn't seem to get it. Then, one day, Jared's stamping letter's with Jensen's signature; he uses his hand to test the stamp. Jensen can't help it: he gets so hot when he sees his named stamped on Jared's hand. He claims Jared roughly in front of the whole office.

*purrs* Yeah, pretty much pwp.

Massé Shot by road-rhythm Sam and Dean gen. (Yep, gen. How'd I end up friending a gen fic community? It's all about Sam.)
Written for summer_sam_love, for the prompt: The brothers are in a bar, Dean's hustling pool, and he doesn't perform up to his usual stellar standards. They're outnumbered and Dean doesn't have the cash to settle up the debt. His very scary opponents suggest perhaps Sam could find a way to "compensate" them that doesn't involve money. Pandemonium ensues.

H/C Lots and lots of H/C.

Renovation II by de-nugis. Wincest, h/c & first time
home improvement and non-verbal communication
Read the linked ficlet first. After the events of 6.22 Dean has to deal with a mute Sam. It's almost got an early series vibe when the boys would (and did) do anything for each other.

Wish me luck and that this will be my last visit for the dentist. *crosses fingers*

Hmmm, wonder if this will even post since LJ is acting up again.

fic recs

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