The TMI post (ie: Sickie talk. Run away.)

Jul 10, 2011 17:14

The worst part about colds for me is the hacking choking cough. It wakes me up in the middle of the night and sends me running for the sink so I don't choke up phlem all over my bed or my pillow or myself. My eyes water so much it looks like I'm crying. I have to spit out the mucus in order to get control of the cough-- if I try and swallow it, I just keep hacking and hacking and hacking. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. I had to dash out of an algerbra final in college to go hack and spit in the garbage can of the women's restroom once. When I have to be somewhere and I remember I carry a wad of napkins around with me to cough into. I don't think it's normal-- I've never heard of other people having this kind of a cough and people look at me really askance if they're around when it happens. In that case I try and find somewhere private where I can fall apart and have my little fit alone. Stress and the need to be quiet makes them about 10 times worse. I've tried researching them to find out if there's any way to prevent them or ease them, but I've never been able to find anything that describes this kind of cough in particular.

I should have called in sick to work Friday, but I didn't feel too horrible. When I got there it started to get worse plus they had a rush project that had to be finished that night, so they wouldn't let me go home even though I asked. Spent most of Saturday in bed.

And this particular cold is so miserable, I even broke down and bought a neti pot. Interesting. It helps, but only really temporarily and only with the nose. Not the cough or the throat or the ears.

Anyway I am back to feeling human today. Still sick, but bearable. It feels like there's nothing common about this cold.

So I decided to finally watch Firefly, since I'm pretty much confined to quarters anyway. (I know-- a million years behind the times. I'm still not a big Joss Whedon fan, and definitely NOT an Edlund fan.) I actually really like it so far. Only a couple of episodes in though. I think Wash is my favorite. Jayne not so much. Does it end pretty abrubtly? What are the main fandom pairings? I doubt I'll get real fannish about it, but it's doing a good job of distracting me from my woes.

ETA: Watching the third episode, Bushwacked, and they do creepy and suspenseful really well! The music and eerie lighting on the empty ship-- spooky.
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