I feel like I'm all wrapped up in me lately. My life, my problems, my interests-- that's mostly what's been filling my mind the past few weeks. My dr/dentist/eye appointments, my houseguests past and future, my job, etc. I'm skimming my flist, but it seems like a lot of people have left LJ or aren't posting a lot anymore. It's seems to have really changed in the past year.
So anywho, even if I'm not commenting as much I do love hearing what y'all are up to. Even cat (or dog!) picture posts. I miss those.
More Prop. 8 decision analysis:
Prof. Andrew Koppelman of Northwestern Law School says:
"If the Supreme Court does not want to uphold same-sex marriage, its job has been made harder by this decision." [Appeals courts] are supposed to take as true facts found by the district court, unless they are clearly erroneous. This opinion shows why district courts matter, even though the Supreme Court has the last word."
The more I read about the decision, the more I'm fangirling Judge Walker. Another flisty said that he even referenced Scalia and Kennedy cases in his decision to remind them of their previous stands on the issue.
Ha! I can't dredge up the motivation to finish that 30 Days of SPN meme either, because all the spoilers I've seen are really depressing me. Bleech!
Entourage, however, is my really really happy place these days. Man, they're tackling some awfully interesting subjects this season. I can't wait to see what happens. \o/ And it kinda thrills me that I actually getting paid to watch it. \o/ I seriously can't wait to see what happens next! Vince! (I do miss having Lloyd as Ari's assistant though.)
On another note, I don't think I'll be making Ycon this year again. :( Chase is doing much better than he was earlier in the year. He's even gained some weight back, but I'm still syringe feeding him 2x a day plus his meds. He seems to have plateau'd though, and I don't want to leave him alone for the long weekend because I'm too afraid of him backsliding. And I know I may be thinking too far ahead and it's more a day to day, week to week thing. It really makes me sad that I won't be able to see you guys, but it does feel like the right thing to do. If any of you feel like a side trip to LA though, I'd love to have visitors. :)
And to give back a little, have some newish Brian Wright music:
Striking MatchesAccordionMean Ol' Wind