1. leave me a comment if you want to do the meme
2. I will reply with 6 of your icons and then you have to post this up and describe them!
boundtosailaway requested these icons.
So the thing about my icons is that I tend to use them to infuse some sort of mood to my posts. I know they make mood themes for that reason, but I like to do it this way. So there.
Oooh this one. I rather love the Holmes/Watson relationship, but so often it's made into this HARDCOREOMGSLASH, and I really liked this one because while the implication is still there...it's much subtler than usual. It's doing what you do without having to draw attention to it. And I like that mentality.
This one seems a bit wistful to me. As I get older, I'm beginning to realize that there is much to be gained from history and the past, and I'm becoming more and more aware of how time marches on and how it's so important to preserve history if future generation are to learn from it. But honestly, even though all that's true, I just love the idea that you can go somewhere--a castle, a field, anywhere, really--and be transported to another time, another place--without stepping in a TARDIS, and without taking a single step.
This is just what it brings to mind. A Time Lord victorious. I use it when I've finally had enough. I don't think I've used it yet though. Not for lack of needing to, but for lack of having written while I was feeling like that.
Ha. Sometimes this just needs to happen. I mean, who doesn't need David Tennant licking something on their journal?
I chose this one as my default largely because it was purple, and purple to me actually bespeaks a lot more than just a pretty color. I don't so much see it as the color of royalty, as much as a color of sophistication, and a color that is feminine without being frou-frou. It's also the blending of red, a hot, fiery, passionate color, and blue, a cool, calm, collected color. It's a blending of two extremes, which I find so often happens in myself. And the fact that it's a rose, well--I just like roses, and it doesn't say any one thing. And as purple roses don't exist, I would expect that were you to find one, it would be the only one of it's kind.
I chose this one because it bespeaks being alone, which I am, much of the time. Ha, much of my journal alludes to that fact, unfortunately. I haven't quite decided how this one makes me feel though. I'm not sure if it's solitude (which is good), loneliness (which is bad), expectation of someone to sit on the bench, or waiting on someone who will never be there. I'm a bit conflicted about this one, to tell you the truth.
So there you have it. The thoughts and reasons behind the userpics.