Nov 16, 2010 21:39
I am posting for no reason! Woohooooooooo
In other news, this semester I do not sleep. It is very hard. And I miss Halloween. I wish I could physically push against December.
Wait, what am I saying! In december, I get to SLEEPIES ALL THE DAYZ!!!!
Soon, I will post phylosophically semi-garbage that I secretly don't think is garbage at all but prophetic spectacularness (is too a word... now). But not now. I am too silly and sleep-drunk. (in case you failed to notice all the semi made up words and excessive use of suffixes)
I am pritty sure I like me now better than ever before, even though HARD CLASSES ARE HARD and EASY CLASSES ARE REALLY NOT THAT EASY.
My favorite part of the day is the part I get to be in.... wait.