Jul 23, 2004 16:09
well well well, look whos here. i've been up to a bit lately. i started working at st peter's college as an audiovisual tech. the work itself isnt too hard but i have to run around and set a bunch of shit up. the only bad part is i gotta be there at 7:30 every morning, and the pay aint that great.
i had a weird dream last night that i was in cindys car with her. and she had endless amounts of liquor and was driving really drunk and we were about to go home and she crashed into some car for no reason then she flew off this ramp and cops were chasing us and she dropped me off at home and there was a long stairway to my door and this cop was like "i got you" and i body slammed him off the top of the stairs and went inside and for some reason i knew that if i got inside he couldnt do anything and id be safe and my mom met me at the door and i went inside. i remember something about uptown nb. and that i had seen someone else i knew but i dont remember who it was. really weird. ok, enough about that.
i went to the beach the other day with van michelle and nicole. i really like michelle and things are cool between us, but i dont know whether or not going out would be good, because shes going away soon, and a label might mess things up for us. i also dont know if thats what she wants, or if its really what i want. things are good the way they are.
ms labatta was right. i've lost almost complete contact with the class of 2004. well, i guess thats how things are meant to happen, for me at least. so how are you doing, fellow alumni? the only person i talk to is ms labatta, via email.
evita recently made a webpage for her photography. the link is: jadedeve.deviantart.com/gallery/ . you should check it out, she also is looking for work so if your familys looking for someone to do photography for them you should get in touch with her. you can ask me for her email, but i think its on her page.
im hoping school starts soon. ive been bored. ive had rapid weight gain and rapid hope loss in something exciting happening this summer, except i might go camping this weekend, but thats probably not gonna happen. my summer orientation is next week so woohoohaa. .
take care