Title: Body Language
jeprdyfrndlySeries: Bodies in Motion
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Rose, Jack
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Smut in this chapter
Rating: Adult, NC-17 this chapter
Summary: An idyllic summer day on the planet Janesta is shattered when the Doctor is injured in an explosion.
A/N: Written for the second round of the
storm_and_wolf ficathon. The picture prompt will be posted in the relevant chapter. This is the fourth entry to my Bodies in Motion series, but stands alone fine without having read those. Dedicated to
lostwolfchats as a belated birthday gift. Again, sorry for the delay in posting. I took a week off writing to move.
Ch. 3:
http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/311007.html Previous Chapters:
Ch. 1:
http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/304213.htmlCh. 2: