Feb 19, 2006 14:10
Saw someone else doing this, and thought it would be interesting.. not necessarily faves just what I feel at the moment. Anyway on with the a - z list of bands:
A is for Ash
B is for Bauhaus
C is for The Cure
D is for Daft Punk
E is for Eminem
F is for Foo Fighters
G is for Green Day
H is for HIM
I is for Iggy Pop
J is for JJ72
K is for Kate Bush
L is for Lou Reed
M is for Madonna
N is for Nada Surf
O is for Ottis Redding
P is for Placebo
Q is for Queen Adreena
R is for Rufus Wainwright
S is for The Sisters Of Mercy
T is for Timo Maas
U is for U2
V is for Vast
W is for Weezer
X is for X-press2
Y is for Young Parisians
Z is for Zodiac Mindwarp