State of me...

Jun 11, 2008 21:23

Ok, I've had to come to some conclusions about myself and make some changes.

I'm way fat. (225+, if anyone is interested) I got down to 202 last summer and let it slide. that has to change. There is no compromising that.

I had a reality check on sunday. We were getting four free bookshelves, good ones (YAY, more book storage). Another gentleman and I were carrying them out to my truck and damn if I didn't come as close to collapse as I have ever in my life. Couldn't breathe, could hardly move, and my heart wouldn't stop pounding. Scared the hell out of myself. My father (may the goddess hold him) had a habit of turning away when something scared him. I will not be doing that.

As the days since that have gone by I have gotten angry with myself. How could I let it get this bad? (and to top it off, my wife said on monday, that I just wasn't a strong as I used to be).

So I have been exercising everyday, not overdoing it, but I will continue.
I carried a bunch of sheet rock on Monday (Damn that stuff is heavy),
Walked briskly 2 miles yesterday, and 2 miles today.

I am watching what I eat (Sodas are gone, portion control is our friend, and eating late is over...)

I will lose the weight (my goal is 180, something I haven't seen since I was about 23), but more importantly, I will get back in shape.

I would love to get in shape enough to jog again. Towards that end I purchased an iPod shuffle (2gb). These little toys are cool! (OK, I purchased something from Apple, I have started my journey to the dark side!) And I will be getting a bike sometime in the next week or so. I plan on biking to work, weather permitting (I work 2 or 3 miles from my house)

I am putting this out there as a reminder to myself, and to show the world I am determined. I will be posting how much I exercise, and if I am not doing this, please feel free to call me on it. (Forcefully).


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