TITLE: Change Of Heart
AUTHOR: Nikki Harrington
FANDOM: The Dalgliesh Mysteries
PAIRING: Adam Dalgliesh/John Massingham
GENRE: Slash
SUMMARY: Set a couple of weeks after
Keep On Hoping. It's the Met's Christmas party and Adam is thinking about John and what his true feelings for his younger college are. He has convinced himself that he cannot do anything about his feelings, not only if John unlikely to return them, but he is John's boss. Then something happens to make him reconsider. But dare he take the risk?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have taken a few liberties with the actual canon of the new squad and also I imagine with the way the Met actually works.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.
Change Of Heart Stories A-Z Table