Sense8. Will/Wolfgang. E

Jul 11, 2015 22:54

Title: Escape
Author: jujukittychick
Fandom: Sense8
Cast: Wolfgang/Will; mentions the rest of the Cluster, their significant others, and Felix
Warnings:  talk of violence, illegal activities, and people dealing with mental health issues; fluid sexuality because Cluster; metaphysical sexing
Rating: R
Word Count: 4892
Disclaimer: I do not own Sense8 or their characters and am making no money; I am doing this for my own fun and entertainment. The fandom belongs to its respective creators and owners who *are* making money off them.
Beta: NONE! Any mistakes are my own
Spoilers: Season 1, ignores end of the finale
Prompt: tamingthemuse #468 - expunge, stories_a_z - E
Summary: Wolfgang needs to get out of Germany, or at least out of reach of his family’s friends that may be wanting revenge as well as his own personal enemies, but he can’t leave an injured Felix behind.  Will wants to help all the members of his Cluster, wants to save them all from the people hunting them, but he can’t leave a broken Riley behind.

A/N: This is my first time writing in this fandom, and if you haven’t seen the show, I highly suggest you do. I’m ignoring the end of the finale because I need Will fully operational.  Also, I love the canon pairings, but I’ve gotten sucked into the Will/Wolfgang pairing too through fanfic.

It's a Cluster thing...

author: jujukittychick, claim: multiple

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