Feb 06, 2011 00:04
I just hung out with the closest friend I have here in Missouri, and we played in the snow (something she and I used to be so used to, both of us having come from New York): threw snowballs, attempted to make a snowman (but the snow was too frozen/hard), threw snow up into the air ran around -- just enjoyed ourselves.
Then we went through the house and into my backyard, and after some more shenanigans (throwing my fat ass cat into the snow to see how far he'd sink in, more snowballs and stomping around, etc) I just let myself fall back into the snow, and she followed shortly after.
My little Dead End street isn't very lively at quarter to 11PM, so we just laid there and talked and laughed in between silence for at least ten or fifteen minutes, about anything and everything. I kept bringing up the sky. The winter sky is so beautiful-- the sky is just so damn amazing in the first place.
"I don't look at the sky a lot," I told her, and she knows me well enough by now to know that I was about to go on, aka ramble, so she stayed quiet. "I'm usually in my room or it's just too bright to look at, but it's just really amazing." Then I mentioned something about the clouds looking like they weren't moving and she cracked a joke about Slender Man and something about time stopping when he shows himself and we laughed more and stayed there until her ass got too cold and my fingers were frozen.
We went inside, treated ourselves to some Mountain Dew, and she tried to dry her butt off by my heater before she had to drive home. She works early in the morning.
I realized that sometimes I take things for granted. Have you looked up at the sky lately? In that moment, for me, it was hard to believe it was real. Like I needed to be able to reach out and touch it to believe I was looking at something that actually existed, yet that I know is there all the time. Sure, I know it's there. But knowing and experiencing are two different things. I'm probably making no sense. I'm worn out and my skin stings from staying in the freezing snow for so long and my butt is still cold, too.
I have these little mini-epiphanies every once in a while, I guess. I enjoy them. And they're even better when I have them on good days like today.
Goodnight, everyone.
excessively cheesy,
miki is a sap