
Feb 10, 2008 12:01

The past few days have been filled with change or change producing events.  Friday I closed on a house, but have to wait 60 days for the previous owner to move out.  Yesterday, I retrieved some more of my belongings from my ex-wife, and I also finally got my dog "Dixie" from her.  All of these are happy events.  But this morning I awoke to sadness.  Tearful sadness.  Emotional pain.  I didn't and really still don't understand it, but decided I would take Dixie for a walk to give her some exercise and to try to clear my head.  As we walked, I pondered the emotions going through me and came to the realization that change, like the coins in your pocket change, has two sides.  A positive or happy/joyous side like having my own home again, having more of my "stuff", and having my dog.  But there is a negative/painful side to change in that the conditions we are/were accustomed too before the change(s) are now gone or different.  We may be in a better place, but we are no longer in the familiar place that had become comfortable, even though we may have been unhappy or even miserable.  Does that make sense?
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