
Jan 02, 2007 23:40

In 2007, stordansker resolves to...
Learn to play the dota.
Spend less time on band.
Ask my boss for a procrastination.
Connect with my inner sleep.
Eat more physics.
Volunteer to spend time with ocean springs.

I think that quiz is pretty funny. Even though it gramatically makes little sense, parts of it are true.

I am back in Oxford, and am surprisingly not bored despite the fact that my computer is dead and my new one won't be coming in for at least another week. Leaving me with little to do except the things I used to do before becoming such a computer geek. It is a very welcoming release from what seems to be a self-restraining lifestyle. There is only one thing missing right now.

Intersession is dumb. I have one resident on my floor. One. Apparently that means I have to stay in the dorm for two weeks when I could be in Ocean Springs still or elsewhere.

The hot water in the building likes to not work when it hasn't been in use for a week or so. The first thing I did when I got here was turn the shower on hot and leave it there for probably 5 hours which worked. I wonder why I never thought to do that before now.

With the absense of band in my schedule this semester I move on to fill in the void of afternoon time it once occupied with running. I am aiming for a marathon in May. If something goes South till then I'll have to shoot for the half instead. Either way it should be fun. Above all it means I'm going to have to cut back on alot of the drinking and somehow find a diet that works for me up here. I am concerned that all the training will reduce me to dust if I'm not able to eat right.
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