Mar 17, 2008 23:57
First: Happy St. Patrick's Day. It was four years ago today that I spent a considerable amount of time dancing with a leprechaun. And, as Harmony pointed out, said day was also the day we frolicked in Death Valley! Oh, good times...
Today was day one of two in the whole match day process, as it was the day we found out whether or not we matched. The "where" we matched is Thursday at 11:00am. It was sort of a cruel morning, as we were forced to sit through thirty minutes of things we didn't care about before the powers that be put us out of our misery and handed us the envelopes. The day should have been one of pure jubilee but for the fact that my best med-school buddy was not so lucky. She was trying to match into a tough field and was relatively resigned, I think, to not matching. Nevertheless, I quickly looked at my "congratulations!" letter before she opened hers and it said she didn't match. I spent the morning with her and then spent the afternoon with another classmate who didn't match either. It was sort of a solemn day (including a cold rain all day) for them and about a dozen other classmates who didn't match.
But I did match and am very excited to find out where. I never officially (and by officially, I mean on LJ?) got around to telling you happy readers my final rank list. So, without further adieu, here it is:
1. Indiana
2. Utah
3. Virginia
4. Dartmouth (an exciting, zero-hour move from sixth up to fourth!)
5. Yale
6. Vanderbilt (the other half of the exciting last-minute switch, well not so exciting for Vandy as it was demoted, I suppose)
7. Iowa (please don't tell them this)
8. Oregon
Not on the list, for those of you who have a better memory than I do: Colorado! Interview canceled so certainly not listed: Alabama!
Sorry I never got around to writing about the later interviews. I assure you they were not very exciting at all. I was exhausted with the whole process by then and failed to find humor in nearly so many things as in the beginning of the process. Such was the reason I didn't even go to the Alabama interview. I liked so many programs that I couldn't imagine needing to further muddy the water by liking UAB as well. Okay, that's a rather large lie. I couldn't stomach the thought of living in Nashville, a pretty cool city even if it is in Tennessee, so there was no way I could have tolerated Birmingham. I should mention the following quote compliments of one of the pediatric residents at Vanderbilt. She's from Georgia, so please use your best Scarlet O'Hara accent when reading this. Somehow surgery came up, and she declared, "I liked surgery but I knew I couldn't go into surgery because then I couldn't have worn my engagement ring." Ladies and gentleman: The South in one quote! You see the priorities...
Vandy-bashing aside, I have been having a blast looking online for houses in Indy (what? I'm trying to jinx myself? no!) as I've decided to buy. If all goes "according to plan," I'll get to spend next Thursday - Saturday in Indy searching for a house. For those of you who haven't forgotten "the guy" of email-fame, he's coming in from Texas next week during one of his week's off and hopefully I'll get to get together with him. He's offered to "show me around Indy" and who am I to turn that down? Harms, if you're reading this, can I stay with you next week? =P Please imagine my surprise if I open that envelope in 72ish hours and suddenly I'm scrambling to travel to and house hunt in, say, New Hampshire. "Son of a bitch!" will be the responses, I can tell you that upfront. Not that I will be sad to go to any of the places above ('cept maybe Oregon, I have to be honest), just that my head's 100% going back to Indiana and it will take some mental adjustment.
Anyway - enough rambling? Probably. I had some people over to work on our skit for the annual skit competition on April 5th and there might have been some beer involved.
So - I will update (I solemnly swear) certainly on Thursday. Feel free to call, too. I'll be more than happy to share my good news!
Until then...