Oct 27, 2006 15:11
Gah, I need to find work. Seriously, I do. I don't want to get a job at sirloin, but I might have to. The guy calls me and I call him back a couple of days later. Turns out he went on vacation, so oh well.
There's no where else, really. Every other place would be just as bad. finding a job isn't hard. Finding a job I won't hate is impossible.
The guy I ride around in a semi with is awesome. He's a retired driver that works for little at the salvation army now. I want to call how he drives an art. It's close to it, but it's still just a skill. Shit, I rhymed. I panic every time thinking "there's no way we're making it through here", but he does.
I have feelings for people that I want to get rid of. That is all for now.