It is not love.
Thats right. It has finally happened. We are no more. It is not love. It is sadness. Im so fucking sad it hurts to have fun.
This could sound like the most typical entry of all time, but damnit those emo kids are right. This fucking blows. Why did I crawl to his bed this morning, just to validate he is alive and does'nt want me anymore? I can't make him change his mind. I know it is the right thing to do because I am always so angry with him. So then why does it hurt so much? He isn't gone but it feels like he is away forever, its so pathetic. I feel like a fucking cliche, and I just want to see him in as much pain as me. Fuck the empty spaces, fuck everyone telling me Ill get over it, fuck trying to be friends, fuck fuck fuck. This is the most awful feeling I have ever had in my life, and I asked for it.
Can you belive Im at work right now crying over this fucking keyboard. This is the last place I want to be right now. Thank you to Calli and Robert and Sarah for listening to be cry like a bitch and to you if you read this whole thing through. Fuck.